Dear people of Our Savior’s:
November is the season of thankfulness and there is so much for which we are thankful. Toward the top of that list is our thankfulness that you are connected to our congregation’s ministry, whether that’s through worship, events, groups, or some combination of each.
Along with this, thank you for your generous financial support. Your gifts of money, and the items that we collect for various organizations, empower our ministry. Thank you for continuing to give, at whatever level you can – every gift is important, every gift is a witness to faith, and every gift makes a difference in the lives of God’s children!
And every gift offers another way to be connected. Connecting has become an essential part of how we view our ministry. With so much changing in our world and in the church itself, it is vital for us to be reminded of how we are connected, and why we are connected: “To proclaim God’s love and grace through Christ as we relate to each other and the world” – OSLC Mission Statement
Keeping this in mind, we encourage you to join us in our 2023 Stewardship Appeal, Connections. With this appeal, we hope to continue making connections with, through, by, and because of Our Savior’s. Whether that’s connecting with long-time members, people newer to our congregation, those who will join with us over the next year, or neighbors in our community, our goal is to deepen those connections.
Please review the giving chart and find where you are at with your current giving. Then, prayerfully consider if you could move one step in your giving.
On behalf of the Leadership Team and Pastor Nikki Rockne, thank you for responding generously and joyfully, with hope!
Sincerely in Christ, Pastor Benjamin A. Loven