2124 Viola Rd NE, Rochester, MN     507-289-3021      

“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God.”  Romans 15:7

We welcome new visitors and old friends, Christians from every tradition, and people new to faith. To those who have no church home, want to follow Christ, have doubts, do not believe, you are welcome here. Regardless of age, color, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, marital status, abilities or challenges, join us, you are welcome here. You are welcome to worship, to celebrate and sorrow, to rejoice and recover. This is a place where lives are made new. 

All phone messages left at the church will be picked up on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during the 9am to 3pm business hours. If you need immediate pastoral care, please call one of the pastors. To contact Joanne send an email to office@rochesteroslc.org. Emails are checked daily Monday-Thursday. Thank you.
Sunday Worship
Sunday Morning Worship-9:00am
Family Sunday School-10:00am–school year
Youth Faith Connections-10:00am–school year
Click HERE to read the Weekly Announcements
Can’t make it on Sunday morning, join us on YouTube or Facebook, search Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Rochester, MN.
Now available…Live Streaming. Click HERE on Sunday morning at 9am to join us.
After worship join us for Family Sunday School. Click HERE for more information
In Case You Missed it or Haven’t Heard all of them…
2024 Summer Preaching Series Pod Casts
Click HERE to listen to the Podcasts from Pastor Carl Eric, Pastor Ben & Pastor Nikki
What’s Happening & When

HAVE YOU THOUGHT ABOUT MEMBERSHIP AT OSLC? If you are interested in becoming a member, please talk with Pastor Ben or Pastor Nikki. New member forms are available in the Narthex or on the church office desk or click the link to open a printable form. Membership Information Sheet

Member of OSLC? Join our private Facebook page. Click HERE and ask to join.

For OSLC News go to the E-News Sign up button below
and sign up for weekly OSLC News Emails.

Click HERE for our shared ministry with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Click HERE to Pledge
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